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Actor - Producer

(sometimes writer - director)

Tara has spent her time in L.A. as the owner/operator of an acting studio, an actress, and an award-winning producer.


As an actress, she has graced the California stages from San Diego to Ventura and been seen in several tv shows including Days of Our Lives.


Tara has produced over 70 plays, developed a handful of World Premiere’s and directed/produced short theatrical trailers for the theatre. She is the founding Executive Director of Broads’ Word Ensemble – a theatre company whose focus is stories by women, about women, for everyone.


As a film producer, her shorts have screened around the world.


Tara received her B.A. in Theatre Performance and Political Science from San Diego State and her MFA in Producing from the American Film Institute Conservatory (AFI).

© 2023 by Tara Donovan. 

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